Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Full circle

First of all, sorry for the radio silence - things have been very busy lately and I'm afraid that the blog has fallen by the wayside as a consequence.

So!  I am cancer free - all the chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments are done and dusted and I survived.  I am a little worse for wear for it but I'm still here. The past year has been a challenge but all of us have our crosses to bear and it just so happens that this was mine.  But it is finished and it is time to move forward now, to new beginnings.

In the first week of April, LH, the three little pigs and I will be leaving the UK permanently for the Philippines.  If there's one thing that this cancer has taught us, it's that life can be full of surprises - pleasant or unpleasant - so we must make the most of our time here.  A move to the Philippines will give us a much better quality of life, and LH and I will be able to spend more time with the children, watching them grow up and be truly part of their lives.

This will be my last entry - after all, the evil crab is no more and the battle has been won.  Thank you once again for all your love and support.  I would not have been able to do this without you.

Count your blessings and be happy.  I certainly will.

Thursday, 2 February 2012


Tomorrow is the last day of my radiotherapy, and the last day of my treatment. And I suddenly find that I'm not in a very good place right now... In fact, I think I'm about have a massive panic attack. At this point, I would like the treatments to go on and on - yes, even FEC chemotherapy - just to make sure that the cancer does not come back.

I think I'm going to throw up.