Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Another hair lament

When I started chemotherapy, my lovely girlfriend L (who is apparently very hairy) volunteered to keep all of her shaven, depilated and waxed body hair for me so that eventually, I could turn these hair scraps into scarves or even a wig, once I had lost all my hair.  (Some ruder items were suggested, but I will refrain from mentioning them as my parents read my blog.)

Sadly, I never did get to have my scarf made from her nasal hair; and at the rate my hair growth is going (see Team Jacob, 1 December) L and I can probably start a business supplying hair pieces to those who need it.  My hair is growing at an alarming rate; I have what looks like the beginning of a beard.  I of course, am very happy that my head hair is growing, and same with my eyebrows and eyelashes - although the latter could do with a bit more length.  But hair on my face and neck is not nice at all.

Apparently, this is a common side effect.  D's mum, who also underwent chemotherapy for breast cancer, likened herself to a blonde gorilla once  her hair started growing back.  Lucky her though - I am dark-haired, so I will sadly look more like a normal gorilla if this continues.  Vanity of course, will keep me from letting it all grow out - I will have to try the various methods of hair removal.  One of which was tested today.  The boys had to have their hair cut; so off they went to the barbershop where I met them.  I jokingly told the barber to tidy up my hair and perhaps shave what seems to be the beginning of a beard.  Which he duly did.  This has come full circle:  I remember, as a child, my father's barber coming to our house to cut everyone's hair, so it wasn't too traumatic for me.  And I was quite pleased that I only had to pay £35 for three haircuts (and a shave).  What a bargain.

I just hope that when the facial hair grows back it doesn't do so as stubble.  I'll then have to get a job as the circus bearded lady.


  1. OMG!!! Hello new business partner! I have my bin bags filled with my bodily hair from the last year and am ready to get the show on the road! But back away from the circus bearded lady. That's MY job...... L xxx

  2. Chinot,

    Have it waxed off. it does not grow back.

  3. Now you know the dilemma of most men: when it comes to hair, it's not usually a problem of QUANTITY but rather GEOGRAPHY. Cheers sis!

  4. At least you could go in for next years Movember and be cool looking like Magnum PI!! I remember one of A and I's chat up lines was "you've got a lot of confidence in public for a girl with so much facial hair.". Worked like a silver tongues charm every time in darkened student discos!!

  5. Magnum PI. 'Nuff said. Mirkins R Us. 😳

  6. Visible after approval? Freedom of expression on lady facial hair is being censored!! It's the levinson inquiry!! Lol!

  7. But at least I didn't know how to spells mirkin meerkat...website comparethemerkin.com etc!!!
    Stupid comments...bet it was Lito!! Lol. No,actually probably L or LH!! ;-)
